Volunteer Opportunities/Events
Stop Hunger Now 2016
A NJLC, we pride ourselves on serving our community and those around us. For more information on how you can get involved in one of our many service projects, contact us at 540-822-5576 or e-mail us at njlc@loudounwireless.com
Lunches for the Homeless
One the first and third Thursdays of each month we have volunteers that prepare and deliver 10 bag lunches to the Homeless Drop-In Center in Leesburg, VA. No long-term commitment is necessary to support the lunch program. You can simply sign up in the fellowship hall at church for a specific date. The Homeless Drop-In Center served 144 men and 42 women during their previous fiscal year.
For information about the Drop-In Center visit www.voachesapeake.org/lehs.
For additional information about NJLC’s bag lunch service, please contact Clarice at 540-882-3140.
Quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
We are in need of willing hands to cut 11-inch by 11-inch squares of fabric for quilts. The fabric and cutting templates can be found in a green tub located in the fellowship hall at New Jerusalem. Once you have cut some squares simply stack them next to the tub. The next assembly effort will be announced at a later date. The Women of the ELCA (WELCA) at New Jerusalem lead this quilt ministry in support of LWR. This organization provides feet-on-the-ground support to areas hit by disasters. Quilts are given to those who may have lost everything as a result of storms, earthquakes, and other disasters.
For additional information about LWR or the LWR quilt program please visit www.LWR.org/getinvolved.
For specific information on NJLC’s quilting efforts, please contact Soledad at 540-822-4163.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Calling all hands that like to knit or crotchet or that want to learn! We are making prayer shawls for anyone in need of God’s comfort and peace. All skill levels are welcome. This ministry meets weekly on Monday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall at New Jerusalem and shares prayer, conversation, and stitching assistance. The goal is a supply of prayer shawls which have been stitched with love for anyone in need.
For additional information, please contact Kay at 540-822-9141.
Worship Service Lifters
Each Sunday there are a number of ways an individual or family might serve in our worship services. Musicians, ushers, greeters, acolytes, communion preparers, lectors, and communion assistants are all needed. Short procedures and hands-on training is available for each of these duties. We were all new to this at one time, so no need to be afraid about serving! Once you agree to serve you will be placed into the Lifter Schedule by the Worship Committee.
For additional information, please contact Sherry at 540-822-5573.
Personal Care Kits for LWR – Sponsored by NJ WELCA
Generally during Easter season, you will find us collecting items for Personal Care Kits distributed by Lutheran World Relief. Watch for details in our news. Kits are provided to people suffering the ravages of war, natural disasters, and other human catastrophes. In 2014 many went to countries like Angola, Palestine, Chad, Philippines, Peru and Kenya. For more information on the program please visit lwr.org/personalcarekits. To start your shopping early and take advantage of sales, the following items go into each kit:
(1) Dark Colored Bath Towel between 20”x40” and 52”x27”
(1) Adult size toothbrush in original package
(1) Metal Nail Clipper
(1) Comb
(2) Bath-size bars of soap in original package; 4- to 5-ounce size
Collections for the Food Pantry or Homeless Services Center – Sponsored by Service Committee
Special collections for the Food Pantry or Homeless Services Center spring up throughout the year and are tailored to the needs at the time. Please watch for details to appear in the Upcoming Events or Announcements section of our site, or in our newsletter, Heaven’s Herald. If you are interested in organizing an event, please contact Clarice, at 540-882-3140.
Build Days at Habitat for Humanity
New Jerusalem has been a supporter of Loudoun Habitat for Humanity for a number of years. Watch for information this spring as we plan to host a NJ Build Day (or two) as Loudoun Habitat begins to break ground at a new location in Round Hill, VA. There are age restrictions for folks actually participating on site, but others can serve this worthwhile activity by preparing and delivering lunches to the work crew. For additional information, please contact Kim or Rick at 703-771-9443.
Stop Hunger Now
Stop Hunger Now is an international program with a goal of ending hunger in our lifetime. As part of their efforts they conduct meal packaging events where volunteers gather together and in assembly line fashion package up rice-based meals that will be distributed around the world. It is a lively family-friendly event generally conducted in early December. A willing heart and some snazzy headwear are all that is needed to participate! We are proud to say that the youth of New Jerusalem have used their Souper Bowl lunch to raise funds in support of Stop Hunger Now. You can learn more by visiting stophungernow.org.
Souper Bowl Sunday
The ELCA Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 as a way to mobilize our youth to provide for people in need (especially the hungry) within their communities by maximizing the spirit of Super Bowl weekend. It is conducted by congregations in every state. The 2014 tally indicates that $4,975,306 was raised and 1,859,974 pounds of food were collected. The youth of each congregation determine what organization will benefit from their efforts. Over the years, our youth have contributed to the local food pantry, Loaves and Fishes pantry in Biloxi (post Hurricane Katrina), and Stop Hunger Now. Watch for details in our newsletter, Heaven’s Herald, and in the Upcoming Events section of this site, and join us as we share a hot bowl of soup, hot dog/sandwich and dessert in service to others.
Vacation Bible School
New Jerusalem’s Vacation Bible School program is generally conducted during a week in July each year from 9:00 a.m. until noon. It requires weeks of preparation and many hands to conduct. There are opportunities for many talents and individuals of all ages! Creative minds are needed to transform New Jerusalem into the theme of the year. Whether you are a photographer, a storyteller, great at cook/food prep, a craft person, theatrical, a handyman, a videographer, a kid lover, an organizer, an artist, or musically inclined … if you have a talent this program needs YOU! Watch for details to unfold and join the fun.