New Jerusalem Lutheran Church (NJLC) is an ELCA congregation located in northern Loudoun County, Virginia in the town of Lovettsville.
Form: Plan a Funeral
Planning a Funeral
You are invited to reflect upon your understanding of death and burial and use this form as an aid in planning or preplanning your funeral or that of a loved one. You may wish to give a copy of this form to your pastor to be kept on file. Please feel free to send additional information as needed.
New Jerusalem Lutheran Church
New Jerusalem Lutheran Church (NJLC) is an ELCA congregation located in northern Loudoun County, Virginia in the town of Lovettsville.
New Jerusalem Lutheran Church (NJLC) is an ELCA congregation located in northern Loudoun County, Virginia in the town of Lovettsville.
New Jerusalem Lutheran Church | 12942 Lutheran Church Road, Lovettsville, VA 20180, USA