Each year, the Women of the ELCA host a "Bold Women's Sunday," in which we celebrate our sisters in Christ and honor those women that have served before us, support our faith and unite us.
This year, we are celebrating the Bold Women in our lives on Mother's Day, and with that, are supporting a fundraiser to help repair the women’s window in the sanctuary originally erected by the Ladies Aid Society and the Women’s Missionary Society. Fill at a form in our weekly bulletin, choose your honoree and your donation amount, and the Women of the ELCA will create a flower to hang in the sanctuary with the name of your Bold Woman. A list of all the Bold Women will be in the 5/14 Sunday bulletin.
Honor a loved one, your mother, grandmother, sister, niece, cousin or friend. Donations will be ongoing; forms will be made available in the church bulletin starting 4/16. For more information, contact Toni Chancellor at tchancellor1@gmail.com.