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In-Person Worship

In-Person Worship

As always, STAY HOME if you are in any way not feeling well, have a cough or fever, have been exposed to someone testing positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, have recently returned from travel to a COVID hotspot, or are in a high risk category and should not be in groups of people at this time.

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Masks: Please have your mask on prior to exiting your vehicle. Masks need to be worn at all times. If you do not have one, we have a limited supply and will be happy to provide you with one.

Entrances: Please follow the directions of all signage and worship assistants to enter the building and navigate to an open pew.

Elevator: An elevator/lift is available to assist those with mobility issues to get up and down between the levels. An operator will run the lift for you should the need arise. At this time, due to social distancing, we can only take one person at a time in the lift.

Hand Sanitizer: There is a hand sanitizer station by the door to use upon entering and exiting the church. It also is available in each pew. We ask that you make use of such upon entry into your seating area in order to help us lessen the risk of any contact transmissions.

Bulletins: We encourage you to bring your own bulletin. A limited number will be available in the pews. Please take all bulletins, personal items, etc out with you upon exiting the building.

Restrooms: Restrooms are available on an emergency basis only as we currently do not have staff to sanitize after each use. If needed, to maintain social distancing, only one person may enter any bathroom at a time (unless parent/child).

Seating & Capacity: Follow the directions of all signage and worship assistants to enter and navigate to an open pew. To maintain safe distancing protocols, we have limited seating for up to 20 family units (a family of four, a couple, a single, etc). Safely created family “bubbles” may be able to sit together. Once 20 family units have been seated, we will “close” the sanctuary and ask all others to remain in their vehicles and worship Drive-In style via our AM radio transmission. Once seated, remain in your pew until dismissed by pew at the close of service. Then, follow the ushers’ directions to make your way downstairs and out of the building.

Fellowship: To reduce the amount of aerosols put forth indoors, please refrain from chatting with each other indoors before and after worship. There will be no indoor fellowship time following worship.

Singing: Because of the high risk of group speech and song, all song will be by solo leader only. Words are available for you to use as prayerful meditation or such that you may silently mouth behind your masks. Rhythmic clapping or drumming, etc. is also appropriate to certain pieces of music.

Offertory: In order to maintain a contactless offering, offering plates will not be passed at this time. A basket is available each week at the communion table upon entering the building. If you forget to drop your offering on the way in, you may leave it with the usher on your way out after worship. Click HERE to make an online donation. You may also give through your personal banking system or through the “Give +” mobile app (download, install and search for “New Jerusalem Lutheran Church.”) Of course, we will also continue to receive your offerings via postal mail.

Nursery/Childcare: There will be no nursery or other childcare provided at this time.

Questions? Contact the church office at 540-822-5576
or via email at

Earlier Event: March 8
Chili Cook Off
Later Event: December 24
Christmas Eve Drive-In Worship