New Jerusalem Lutheran Church (NJLC) is an ELCA congregation located in northern Loudoun County, Virginia in the town of Lovettsville.
NJLC Events
Come join us! At NJLC, we are out and about in our community! We host a variety of events throughout the year, and we enjoy participating in our town’s celebrations. Keep checking back for more information throughout the year!
Join us on Sunday, April 21 at 10:00 a.m. as we begin the joyous celebration of the raising of the dead! Be here as we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus our Lord and in the promise of our own resurrection. Worship includes song, Scripture, proclamation, festive flowers, processional crosses, and so much more! There will be a special treat for the children during the Children’s Message as well as a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt outside immediately following worship. You won’t want to miss the good news!