Lent begins on Wednesday, February 26th with the penitential remembrance of the imposition of ashes. Once again we will offer several options to take part in Ash Wednesday. This year there are three ways you can take part in the imposition of ashes:
12:00 p.m. a brief order of worship with the Imposition of Ashes at NJLC.
For anyone wishing to stop in for personal prayer, meditation and self-marking with ashes the sanctuary will be open from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
“Ashes to Go Kits” are available and will include a devotional with a suggested prayer, a bible reading, and some questions to ponder together as a family—along with a small bag of ashes with instructions on how to mix them with a little oil so that you can mark each other wherever you find yourselves during the day. Kits will be available in the church office from Monday through Wednesday.