Our two-part Lenten program will consist of:
The mid-week component is a one-time Lenten Service Program on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., which will be the culmination of the collection of items for Personal Care Kits for LWR. (Click here for collection drive info.)
The evening will begin with a desserts and refreshments, and end with a short worship component. A speaker from LWR will give us information on the distribution and use of the kits. Participants may then assemble Personal Care Kits from the collected items.
The agenda for the evening will be:7:00 p.m. – Welcome, Introduction of Speaker, and Sharing Desert/Drinks
7:15 p.m. – Speaker: Meagan Holbrook, Philanthropic Engagement Coordinator Lutheran World Relief
7:45 p.m. – Assembling of Personal Care Kits
8:15 p.m. – Closing Devotions
Another component of the Lenten program, based on the book Six Spiritual Needs in America Today, will take place within worship services during Lent.
A short chancel drama (skit) will present one of six identified spiritual needs, which will be highlighted in the sermon for that week. Discussion of each Sunday’s skit and sermon will take place during the following Sunday morning adult class. The six spiritual needs reflect the need everyone has for identity, belonging, and purpose.