To enhance our celebration of Christmas, we hope everyone will join us on Thursday, January 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the NJLC fellowship hall to watch the Christmas movie, Silent Night. This film is based on a true story, set in Germany on Christmas Eve in 1944. A German mother and her young son, Fritz, face invasion of their home by three “lost” American soldiers as well as three German soldiers, all of whom need shelter for the night. Against all odds, the mother persuades the soldiers to lay down their arms temporarily until the next day. In the interim, miraculous transformations begin to occur. The movie explores the meaning of honor and patriotism, the impact of one's personal family history on one’s perceptions of reality, and the possibility for reconciliation and transformation. The movie offers new understandings of the true spirit and meaning of Christmas.
We'll start this 90 minute DVD at 10:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall, followed by a little time for discussion to discuss thoughts and insights about the movie. Then we’ll share in a potluck lunch together. The film and lunch will conclude by 12:30 p.m. If you've already seen the movie and only want to join us for discussion and lunch, plan on coming at 11:45 a.m. If you need to leave before lunch, that’s okay too.
Please sign up in the fellowship hall if you plan to attend the movie and let Joyce Hoopengardner know what “pot luck” you might bring for the lunch.