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Kretsinger Concert Series – Eastern Mennonite University Chamber Singers

At New Jerusalem, visitors and congregants can both listen to and participate in the singing of sacred music every week. Inspirational, sacred music has been a part of the sixty-year legacy of our church under the leadership of our organist and choir director Mrs. Julia Kretsinger.

We will honor of Julia and Pastor Mike Kretsinger’s shepherding of this congregation with a series of concerts. On Saturday, March 19, the Eastern Mennonite University Chamber Singers will perform choral literature of various periods, styles, and cultures under the direction of Kenneth Nafzinger. 

A pot luck supper will take place following the concert in the Fellowship hall. Sign up sheets to bring a dish are currently available at NJLC.

Earlier Event: March 9
Soup and Study
Later Event: March 20
Palm/Passion Sunday Worship