We are excited to present a homecoming service at 10:00 a.m. with special music accompanied by the brass ensemble and an invitation to all who have sung under the direction of Julia Kretsinger during her years as choir director and organist. We are honored to be joined by the Metro D.C. Bishop for services. An opportunity for fellowship will take place after worship.
A homecoming dinner will follow the 10:00 a.m. All Saints service and will consist of authentic, German cuisine along with some American, old-country favorites. We will gather for appetizers at 12:00 noon with dinner served at 1:00 p.m. in the Lovettsville Fire and Rescue Hall, 12837 Berlin Turnpike, Lovettsville, VA. If you plan to join us, RSVP to the church office no later than Thursday, October 1. Contact Jennifer Jones, administrative assistant, at njlc@loudounwireless.com or 540-822-5576 to RSVP.