Ministry Groups

Our groups allow members to serve, study, come together in fellowship and continue the work that God has designed for us to do. Below is some information on some of our church groups.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Kay, 540-822-9141

This ministry meets weekly on Monday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall at New Jerusalem and shares prayer, conversation, and stitching assistance. The goal of this group is a supply of prayer shawls that have been stitched with love for anyone in need. All skill levels are welcome!

Women’s group 

Women of the ELCA (WELCA)


The New Jerusalem WELCA group meets on a monthly basis for bible study and fellowship. Meetings are the first Monday each month in the evening at 7:00 p.m. Details (including time and location) can be found on the church calendar and in the weekly worship bulletin. Women of all ages are welcome! This group is active in service sponsoring such projects as:

  • Quilts for Lutheran World Relief

  • Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief

  • Supporting various women’s causes such as the S.O.A.P Project and the Loudoun County Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)

  • Sale of Fair Trade Products (located in NJ fellowship hall)

Men’s group 

Joe, 540-822-4033

This men’s group began as a way for all of the husbands of the women’s group to gather together in fellowship. And have a nice meal. It has since grown into a group of all ages. It is made up of men that enjoy a little elbow bumping and meets at the same time as the WELCA group but in restaurants (generally with large screen TVs) around the area. They share fellowship, conversation, and food. They also have organized an annual men’s barbecue at the end of the summer, which is a delicious way to give back to the congregation!

Youth group

NJLC office, 540-822-5576

This group is as fluid and dynamic as this kids that participate at any given time. Although there is not a regular Youth Group meeting, the New Jerusalem youth are alive and well! At different times of the year you may find them sponsoring the Annual Souper Bowl Lunch, or attending a Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event. They inspire us with their leadership during our summertime children’s theater program, and give us hope when they share their stories following attendance at synodical youth gatherings.

Children, Youth & Family Ministry

NJLC office, 540-822-5576

We have a solid commitment to the children, youth and families ministry. We currently have a three to five year development plan called “The Way,” which will have learning opportunities for families and individuals at eight key life milestones. Because so many of our families will not commit to weekly—or even monthly—group gatherings, “The Way” is a means to make the best of what we can offer without “competing” while partnering more with families to help homes be a primary place for faith formation and growth.


Sherry, 540-822-5573

Many hands are required to conduct a worship service and thus the need for “Lifters.” Maybe you are that outgoing person that says “hello” to everyone you see … this would make you a perfect greeter! Have a wonderful speaking voice? We have volunteers that read from the bible during each worship service.

Service Opportunities

Opportunities for service spring up throughout the year and may be sponsored by any of our groups. Things to watch for might include: Lunches for the Homeless, Quilts for LWR, Health Kits for LWR, Collections for the Food Pantry or Cold Weather Shelter, Build Days at a Habitat for Humanity site, mowing the church property, Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event, Oktoberfest booth, Souper Bowl Sunday fundraiser, “Gods Work. Our Hands” Sunday, or Vacation Bible School. The list is truly endless. Please watch for these under Upcoming Events or Announcements sections on the website.


NJLC office, 540-822-5576

This is an adult choir that blesses our congregation with their voices at many services throughout the year. There are also many opportunities for vocal or instrumental soloists throughout the year. Please chat with Julia about the gifts you might wish to share.

Family Handbell Choir

For special worship services during the year, we offer the opportunity of a handbell choir for people of all ages! Each opportunity is likely to be a different mix of people and ages and is intended for all skill levels. Watch for news of these opportunities on our website or in our worship bulletin.

Dulles Chapter of Thrivent Financial

NJLC office, 540-822-5576

Thrivent Financial is Fortune 500 organization serving Christians in the area of finances. They offer both products and services along with guidance from financial representatives, working with and through their members to improve lives. Thrivent is the largest fraternal benefit organization in the United States in which members belong to chapters—like the Dulles Chapter—and are largely self-governing. Chapters are a way for members to serve their community through volunteer activity, education, and social events. Members of New Jerusalem may serve on the board for the Dulles Chapter of Thrivent that meets on a monthly basis.