Ministry Groups
Our groups allow members to serve, study, come together in fellowship and continue the work that God has designed for us to do. Below is some information on some of our church groups.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Kay, 540-822-9141
This ministry meets weekly on Monday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall at New Jerusalem and shares prayer, conversation, and stitching assistance. The goal of this group is a supply of prayer shawls that have been stitched with love for anyone in need. All skill levels are welcome!
Women’s group
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
The New Jerusalem WELCA group meets on a monthly basis for bible study and fellowship. Meetings are the first Monday each month in the evening at 7:00 p.m. Details (including time and location) can be found on the church calendar and in the weekly worship bulletin. Women of all ages are welcome! This group is active in service sponsoring such projects as:
Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief
Supporting various women’s causes such as the S.O.A.P Project and the Loudoun County Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Sale of Fair Trade Products (located in NJ fellowship hall)