
New Jerusalem has many opportunities to serve with others in our congregation. Below is a list of our committees and some information about committee member duties. Contact information is provided for those interested in serving.

Church Council – Tom Pursel, 540-822-3874

  • Provide oversight of the life and activities of the congregation.

  • Provide oversight of all financial and property matters of the congregation.

  • Uphold the congregation’s constitution and bylaws.

  • Attend monthly council meetings, the annual Congregation Meeting, special meetings and scheduled retreats. 

Worship Committee – Sherry Whipple, 540-822-5573

  • Provide services of worship at which the Word of God is preached and the sacraments administered.

  • Coordinate all worship lifters (to include greeters and nursery attendants), music/choir, altar flowers, altar paraments, and communion preparation.

Outreach & Stewardship Committee – David Whipple, 540-822-5573

  • Reach out to the community with an open invitation to share in a relationship with God.

  • Ensure that guests are warmly welcomed to our congregation.

  • Support and monitor prospective members as they move through new member activities and the reception service.

  • Encourage generous giving of time, talent, and treasure in support of this congregation’s ministry and ministries of the ELCA.

Learning Committee - Diana Zapf, 540-822-5459

  • Provide opportunities to nurture all members in the Word of God.

  • Coordinate learning opportunities such as: Sunday school, baptism, confirmation/first communion, college student support, vacation Bible school, small group adult study classes, pastor’s classes, and pre-school.

Service Committee – Clarice Dieter, 540-882-3140

  • Encourage and equip members to care for God's creation.

  • Support the social ministry programs of the synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, other Christian congregations, and local civic organizations

  • Coordinate service opportunities for New Jerusalem members.

  • Serve as a focal point for New Jerusalem Thrivent activities.

  • Maintain the Western Loudoun Food Pantry housed at New Jerusalem.

Youth Committee – Kim Chatfield, 540-822-5213

  • Conduct youth activities for pre-K, grade school, middle school and senior high school groups that involve youth in the life of the congregation: worship, learning, service, fellowship, and outreach. 

  • Expose youth to programs, activities, retreats and conferences within the synod, region, and nation.

Building and Property Committee - Joe Heffern,

  • Maintain existing facilities (church, education building, and parsonage) ensuring they meet all local and state regulations.

  • Prioritize, recommend, and implement funded activities to upgrade, improve or augment existing facilities to include bid proposals for work.

Fellowship Committee – Barbara Vilpors,

  • Encourage and organize fellowship activities that provide opportunities for our members  and guests to get to know each other (e.g. potlucks, picnics, farewell gatherings).

  • Coordinate Sunday morning coffee fellowship.

  • Coordinate bereavement gatherings upon request.

Administrative Committee – Kim Norgaard,

  • Perform the duties of treasurer, bookkeeper, and church administrative assistant.

  • Work with the committee chairs and the Congregation Council to prepare and implement the annual budget.

  • Ensure the publication of the New Jerusalem Annual Report .

  • Safeguard the congregation’s baptism, confirmation, membership, marriage, death, and other records.