New Jerusalem has many opportunities to serve with others in our congregation. Below is a list of our committees and some information about committee member duties. Contact information is provided for those interested in serving.
Church Council – Tom Pursel, 540-822-3874
Provide oversight of the life and activities of the congregation.
Provide oversight of all financial and property matters of the congregation.
Uphold the congregation’s constitution and bylaws.
Attend monthly council meetings, the annual Congregation Meeting, special meetings and scheduled retreats.
Worship Committee – Sherry Whipple, 540-822-5573
Provide services of worship at which the Word of God is preached and the sacraments administered.
Coordinate all worship lifters (to include greeters and nursery attendants), music/choir, altar flowers, altar paraments, and communion preparation.
Outreach & Stewardship Committee – David Whipple, 540-822-5573
Reach out to the community with an open invitation to share in a relationship with God.
Ensure that guests are warmly welcomed to our congregation.
Support and monitor prospective members as they move through new member activities and the reception service.
Encourage generous giving of time, talent, and treasure in support of this congregation’s ministry and ministries of the ELCA.
Learning Committee - Diana Zapf, 540-822-5459
Provide opportunities to nurture all members in the Word of God.
Coordinate learning opportunities such as: Sunday school, baptism, confirmation/first communion, college student support, vacation Bible school, small group adult study classes, pastor’s classes, and pre-school.
Service Committee – Clarice Dieter, 540-882-3140
Encourage and equip members to care for God's creation.
Support the social ministry programs of the synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, other Christian congregations, and local civic organizations
Coordinate service opportunities for New Jerusalem members.
Serve as a focal point for New Jerusalem Thrivent activities.
Maintain the Western Loudoun Food Pantry housed at New Jerusalem.
Youth Committee – Kim Chatfield, 540-822-5213
Conduct youth activities for pre-K, grade school, middle school and senior high school groups that involve youth in the life of the congregation: worship, learning, service, fellowship, and outreach.
Expose youth to programs, activities, retreats and conferences within the synod, region, and nation.
Building and Property Committee - Joe Heffern,
Maintain existing facilities (church, education building, and parsonage) ensuring they meet all local and state regulations.
Prioritize, recommend, and implement funded activities to upgrade, improve or augment existing facilities to include bid proposals for work.
Fellowship Committee – Barbara Vilpors,
Encourage and organize fellowship activities that provide opportunities for our members and guests to get to know each other (e.g. potlucks, picnics, farewell gatherings).
Coordinate Sunday morning coffee fellowship.
Coordinate bereavement gatherings upon request.
Administrative Committee – Kim Norgaard,
Perform the duties of treasurer, bookkeeper, and church administrative assistant.
Work with the committee chairs and the Congregation Council to prepare and implement the annual budget.
Ensure the publication of the New Jerusalem Annual Report .
Safeguard the congregation’s baptism, confirmation, membership, marriage, death, and other records.